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My Card Creation

Custom Card Creation

Customized Cards Online!

My Card Creation is a new online portal that lets you Personalize your Visa debit and credit cards at no cost to you!*

Put a new face on your Visa credit or debit card!

Create a custom, one-of-a-kind card that lets your personality shine.
SRI Federal Credit Union offers a fast and easy way to customize your Visa credit or debit card at no cost.

Express your creativity

Show off loved ones, vacation memories, your very own artwork, you name it! Add your own photo on the card for another layer of protection against theft and illegal use.

Your design will be reviewed before the card is created. You will be notified via email if your design is not approved. By uploading your image, you are agreeing to the image guidelines below.

  • Use a high quality image - the better your image, the better your final card will look.
  • Picture files can be either JPEG (.jpg), PNG, GIF, Bitmap (.bmp) or TIFF formats.
  • At least 840 wide x 840 high pixels, not to exceed 10MB.
  • The bigger the picture you choose, the longer it will take to upload.
  • Use one of our stock images or your own personal photo.

SRI Federal Credit Union reviews each image submitted.  While we accept most images, we will not accept images that contain any of the following:

  • Company names, trademarks, logos, slogans, works of art, copyrighted materials or brands of any third party and their likeness
  • Celebrities, actors, cartoons or computer games figures
  • Advertising or promotional materials or branded products
  • Phone numbers, addresses, URL addresses, account or PIN numbers
  • Inappropriate content
  • Numbers, texts or images that might induce misunderstanding
  • Content that instigates anti-government behavior or sentiment, or content that is in violation of any rules, regulations, or laws
  • Texts or images that might result in card acceptance confusion by merchants
  • Other texts or images that we deem not suitable

Get yours today

Click on the applicable My Card Creation Link below. Or contact us to make it happen - call 800.986.3669 or email

*Please note that the card you will receive in the mail will be an embossed card with raised lettering.

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